Saturday, 30 April 2016



到最后龙婆汶玛便把这一面金脸佛放在空兴普(wat kong hin-pun)的佛祖金身上让信徒膜拜,而随后不到一年,龙婆汶玛也圆寂了。
"若要扩充庙宇,只要诚心祈求金脸佛,自然会有足够的经费,不必为钱而担心,而这些欠缺经费的庙宇,在供奉了金脸佛后,庙宇也神奇的获得各方的支持,顺利的完成庙宇的扩充。" 等于你没钱时诚心祈求金脸佛就会帮你解决你的财务问题。
功效: 人缘得到提升,招财,做事和生意能顺心如意,得好运,人缘贵人前来辅助您,减少小人的陷害, 避开危险,财运享通。





【佛寺】Wat Pradu Talingchan,Wat Poh Talingchan




【功效】招人緣、招正偏財、保平安 、防小人、擋險避災、助生意事業、轉運、貴人相助、好運氣、成願、有求必應。



當年阿贊宋爲籌備建寺廟資金,向恩師龍婆汶瑪要求協助督造一批金面佛牌,龍婆汶瑪也非常積極參與其中,所以這是過廟牌但也是一批非常有意義的一批佛牌。這批金臉佛牌龍婆汶瑪採用了在2536法會加持的經粉,此經粉是龍婆班所制,龍婆班是一代禪定宗師也是聖獸崇迪的創始人,龍婆班所製作的經粉是向龍婆尼所學來的絕學,傳承自崇迪阿贊多。當年阿贊多就是用此獨特法門,造了泰國的第一名牌,那就是佛牌收藏家驚之爲天物的Somdej Wat Rakang(崇迪瓦拉康)。所以這些經粉會越來越少,越來越珍貴。再加上9個山洞裏的砂和泥。這批金臉佛一部份讓信徒們恭請而一部份就由阿贊宋保留於禪房的佛台上日月加持自今已有十二年之久。金面法門,至今己有400多年曆史了。如今,精通這法門能讓需要的信徒們,人見人愛,對於招人緣,招財和做生意方面效果最佳,工作順利,財氣提升,貴人相助。目前在泰國只有幾位師傅繼承了這門法門。





【佛寺】Wat Pradu Talingchan,Wat Poh Talingchan




【功效】招人緣、招正偏財、保平安 、防小人、擋險避災、助生意事業、轉運、貴人相助、好運氣、成願、有求必應。



當年阿贊宋爲籌備建寺廟資金,向恩師龍婆汶瑪要求協助督造一批金面佛牌,龍婆汶瑪也非常積極參與其中,所以這是過廟牌但也是一批非常有意義的一批佛牌。這批金臉佛牌龍婆汶瑪採用了在2536法會加持的經粉,此經粉是龍婆班所制,龍婆班是一代禪定宗師也是聖獸崇迪的創始人,龍婆班所製作的經粉是向龍婆尼所學來的絕學,傳承自崇迪阿贊多。當年阿贊多就是用此獨特法門,造了泰國的第一名牌,那就是佛牌收藏家驚之爲天物的Somdej Wat Rakang(崇迪瓦拉康)。所以這些經粉會越來越少,越來越珍貴。再加上9個山洞裏的砂和泥。這批金臉佛一部份讓信徒們恭請而一部份就由阿贊宋保留於禪房的佛台上日月加持自今已有十二年之久。金面法門,至今己有400多年曆史了。如今,精通這法門能讓需要的信徒們,人見人愛,對於招人緣,招財和做生意方面效果最佳,工作順利,財氣提升,貴人相助。目前在泰國只有幾位師傅繼承了這門法門。





【佛寺】Wat Pradu Talingchan,Wat Poh Talingchan




【功效】招人緣、招正偏財、保平安 、防小人、擋險避災、助生意事業、轉運、貴人相助、好運氣、成願、有求必應。



當年阿贊宋爲籌備建寺廟資金,向恩師龍婆汶瑪要求協助督造一批金面佛牌,龍婆汶瑪也非常積極參與其中,所以這是過廟牌但也是一批非常有意義的一批佛牌。這批金臉佛牌龍婆汶瑪採用了在2536法會加持的經粉,此經粉是龍婆班所制,龍婆班是一代禪定宗師也是聖獸崇迪的創始人,龍婆班所製作的經粉是向龍婆尼所學來的絕學,傳承自崇迪阿贊多。當年阿贊多就是用此獨特法門,造了泰國的第一名牌,那就是佛牌收藏家驚之爲天物的Somdej Wat Rakang(崇迪瓦拉康)。所以這些經粉會越來越少,越來越珍貴。再加上9個山洞裏的砂和泥。這批金臉佛一部份讓信徒們恭請而一部份就由阿贊宋保留於禪房的佛台上日月加持自今已有十二年之久。金面法門,至今己有400多年曆史了。如今,精通這法門能讓需要的信徒們,人見人愛,對於招人緣,招財和做生意方面效果最佳,工作順利,財氣提升,貴人相助。目前在泰國只有幾位師傅繼承了這門法門。




















Friday, 29 April 2016


【名稱】巴拉吉 陽神










Thursday, 28 April 2016



【師傅名稱】:清邁(北部)高僧長老 -古巴欧



1. 保平安

2. 避官非小人

3. 避險擋刀槍

4. 驅逐鬼魅傷害


禍达弩" 是一符咒法術名詞,泰語音譯即強弩牛或弓箭牛,即水牛把頭部向下與尾龍骨連成直線作攻擊之勢,牛角又像弓弩而命名。

顧名思義 “禍达弩"是一種有傷害性的法門,強弩牛法一般可用於"幫近派"(驅逐鬼魂傷害),“幫近實度"(迴遮怨敵),近觀洗(防降頭)和“橋卡"(擋住不好之事物)保護自身或家庭為主,而另一種強弩牛透過施法後(聽說過有靈魂牛和符咒牛兩種說法)令怨敵敗壞,分家,甚至用來咒殺怨敵。大概因在泰國的邊境地區降頭邪術橫行,故此在泰國近數十年前到現在,一些高僧都會開光製作強弩牛法門的聖物,來保護在家信眾平安。

Arrow Bull

How to worship Wua Tanu and Kwai Tanu?

You can use Wua Tanu to watch over your house,or mark a safe area around the house, or any place where there is strong Magic. To do this, you need four Wua Tanu, and a bowl of pure water in a Khan Nam Montr vessel.

Then take the Wua Tanu and place them in the Khan Nam Montr (prayer water bowl). Then focus your mind into meditation, and think of the Buddha Dhamma and Sangha, the Deities and Kroo Ba Ajarn, and Kruba Orr, and empower the prayer water by chanting the Katha into it and projecting your thoughts into the water as you blow three times into the bowl.

Take the four Wua Tanu, and bury them in the Earth in the four Cardinal directions. If it is a house, that has no earth to be able to dig, then the Wua Tanu should be placed in the four outer corners of the house,and the prayer water should be sprinkled around the area to be protected.

If you have a Kuman Tong or other forms of Phuudt or Prai which you make Bucha offerings to in the house, then you must tell the Wua Tanu by stating who is allowed to enter and leave the protected area and who not. It is a good idea to also state that any ghosts or beings that are benevolent and will bring help or auspicious blessings should be allowed to enter.

Using to make Holy Water (Nam Montr)

If you want to make Nam Montr to remove the power of Black Magic from a person place or object, or to banish demons and spirits, or exorcise a person who is possessed, then you must make the Nam Montr in the same way as previously explained. But this time you need to use only one Wua Tanu. Then hold the Wua Tanu in your hands and enter Samadhi meditation, focusing as strongly as possible on the Merits of the Buddha.

Chant Na Mo Dtassa Pakawadto Arahadto Sammaa Samputtassa 3 times, and ask for the Power and grace of the Triple Gem the Angels and Deities and Brahmas, Kroo Ba Ajarn (your teachers), and the power of the Mythic Wua Tanu to make the prayer water powerful and endowed with the ability to remove all forms of black magic and evil influence (you can specify particular purposes if you wish to be more detailed in the function of the Nam Montr).

Once you have chanted the Katha of empowerment, you should breathe deeply inwards and blow three times on the Wua Tanu, and lower it into the Khan Nam Montr until it is submerged under the surface of the prayer water.

Then you can use the water for drinking, cleaning yourself and the like to remove any Black Magic spells or unlucky influences. You can wear or carry the Wua Tanu with you, or put it in your vehicle as a protection from accidents of all kinds. If there are ever any visitations or experiences with contacting dark entities, all you need to do is dedicate some of the fruits of your merits to them, and think of Wua Tanu, and they will disappear.

Arrow Bull

Fiery Arrow Bull Protective Guardian) – Kruba Orr 1st batch 

Maker: Kruba Orr 

Magical Effects: Laang aathanpongan phuudt pisajgae khun saifao baan rueanglab raay bpen deechoke lapmaha pokasap

Material: Sacred earths, herbs, bone powders, bull skin

Recommended Uses: Anti black magic, turn bad luck into good luck, remove curses and protection against demons, protect the household from enemies, thieves and ghosts, attract wealth

Number of Amulets Made: Unknown

Wua  tanu fai is a truly ancient style animist spirit charm by the master of the devotees of the Thai-Burma Mon and Karen hill tribe people, Kruba Orr . This sacred earths effigy is hand moulded, inscribed with Khom spells and empowered all individually by the hand of Kruba orr.

This wua tanu is empowered to burn all evil and dark magic to ashes with its spiritual fire element. Using fire kasina to imbue the wua tanu with incredible power to completely eradicate with a fiery gaze that emits a burning beam of energy as it looks around to guard the perimeter around you and your household, business and treasures.

Muan Sarn

The muan sarn for the wua tanu is composed of a large array of sacred earths, including pong look krok wua tanu (powdered arrow bull stillborn), Taw Waes Suwan powders, yant ‘Wua Tanu Tone Jet Gamlang Chang Sarn’, giant termite nest powders of 7 nests, 7 cemetery earths, khui pu (sandballs made by crabs) from 7 beaches, 7 swamps, krang Putsa paste from 7 Putsatrees that died as a praitakrai sema(pieces of old temple wall and sacred stone ruins), pong hnang wua fa pha(powdered bull skin that was killed by a lightning bolt), powdered bones and horns of a bull that charged and killed a human being, and earths from 7 ports. These ingredients were ground up into one powder and empowered as pong wua tanu fai. This was then further strengthened with the addition of wan Mahesworn herb, bringing power, and strength of victory.

Kruba Orr performed a mass empowerment of the wua tanu under the full moon, invoking the 4 elements and the katha ‘Akarn 32’ for the complete reanimation and awakening of the spirits within the wua tanu effigies. Kruba Orr  stared kasina powers into them until he recieved the nimitta of the wua tanu.

You can either use the wua tanu on a bucha tray (‘pan kroo’), or altar, to watch the house during your absence, and also worn, or carried, to take with you for protection or entering into places where much dark magic is present, such as the jungles and forests, mountainous wilderness and caves. Always make sure any Buddha images are placed higher than the wua tanu, be it on the altar or worn.

If there is black magic or curses attacking you, problems occurring  enemies or ghosts and demons are bothering, then chant the kata ‘Wua Tanu Fai’ 3 times and pray for assistance to the wua tanu, and the problems will be met by the wua tanu who will send them back to where they came from or burn them to cinders with its gaze.

To use on the altar, give offerings of water and seven blades/leaves of hay or grass on a Tuesdays and on Buddhist holy days.

Enemies who attack will end up suffering the same thing they tried to commit against you, as the wua tanu sends all curses and evils back to their origin, to attack their own maker.

This also then stops any bad luck that may have been blocking the lucky influences from entering by removing any black magic or other obstacles, and calling in wealth and lucky events.

The wua tanu is in Thailand an essential magical assistant for houses that are on the edge of forests or jungles, on a T-junction or a fork in the road, or where the local spirits are very powerful and not always benevolent, and easily angered. If you have a household in one of these situations then the wua tanu is an especially recommended protective spell to eliminate inauspicious influences.

Anybody who needs to protect their valuables, or to defend themselves agains black magic, will do well with Kruba Orr authentic sorcerous earths original ancient wicha magical ‘Wua Tanu Fai’.

You can ask the wua tanu to bring good business, lottery and lucky fortunes as one of its blessings too, so is not only a protective amulet, but indeed also a magical source of increased prosperity, possessing choke lap and maha pokasap(‘Dood Sap’) power, as an added benefit.

For perfect house protection put 4 wua tanu in the earth, one in each of the four corners of your house, or of your land. The four cardinal points also are valid to use. If four are used, they cover all four directions better and do not have to turn from side to side, leaving corners unwatched. This is the traditional method of using wua tanu to protect from outside of the house to protect the grounds of the house and keep evil forces even further away from the home.

Katha  ‘Wua Tanu Fai’

Om Ko No Ko No.

โอมโคโน โคโน

Then make your request as a prayer and wish to the Wua Tanu .

Wednesday, 27 April 2016


古巴欧“財富之泉”招財符管 (takrut wealthy pool)這批招財符管是古巴欧依據“咩潘杜拉”招財女神法門製作而成。 在泰國“咩潘度拉”招財女神的法門只有少數法師得到傳承而允許製作。據古巴欧說,對此符管具有絕對信心的配戴者,其財富會如泉水般從地底湧出,無量無邊。這符管可以招財,招生意,也可以遣除財運上的障礙,也可放在家里的财位招来巨富。


- 用在爱情、人缘方面可迷倒对方、人见人爱就象把对方的心给吞了一样!如果有对象者可拿自己和对象的照片或者名字放在人缘膏盒子里面,让爱情鸟与符管把对方的灵魂锁在人缘膏里面,让他对你的爱永远不衰退!
- 还有助于"财运、正财、偏财"!
- 对于做生意、开店、销售员、当老板者如果想有更多的客户、更好的财运必定要使用!


是由龙婆宋猜的师傅以前余留下来的魅力人缘膏,传说用了祈求让谁爱上就会真的发生,具有锁心之效果! 强桃花运,让你喜欢或者喜欢你的人对你十分的迷恋,深深的爱上你,增加你自己的桃花运。

是属于最强力的人缘魅力法门加持而来。师傅用了900多种佛学咒语 加持!可以招人缘 ,正 偏财 ,异性 ! 增加自身的魅力,变得美丽吸引身边的异性等。

Monday, 25 April 2016


寺庙:wat Hoi Ngor


Thursday, 14 April 2016

Wat Ban Krang

Khun Phaen Ban Krang

Amulet: Khun Phaen 

Temple: Wat Ban Krang

Year : BE2542

Materials: mix with holy clay from antique Khun Phaen Wat Ban Klang and Wat Palelai 300-400 years ago,Lek Nam Pee,Wat Paknam holy powder etc.

Size:2CM X 3.5CM

Khunpaen Wat Ban Krang is one of the leading amulets of Thailand as far as popularity within the collector and devotee enclaves is concerned. Various Pim and editions of the amulets have attained the popularity status of ‘Yord Niyom’ (Yord Niyom means ‘top preferred’, and is a term used in the amulet collector world for popular and valuable amulets that have reached legendary status). This kind of clay baked amulet, is called ‘Pra Gru’. They were mostly hand made or made using various press molds, which resulted a multitude of the same edition of amulets which have slightly differing markings. The Pra Gru is an ancient and authentic way of making amulets, using the Gru method of baking and blessing the amulet, which is subsequently buried for years under the main Buddha statue in the shrine, or under a sacred artifact or place (such as within a Buddha statue, a under a temple pillar, tree or boulder, shrine room or the like). 

The amulet is highly revered by Thai people and is believed to possess a multitude of magical qualities; Metta Mahaniyom (popularity),Maha Sanaeh(attraction and charm), and even Kong Grapan Chadtri (invincibility against weapons), is said to be present in the amulet. Wat Ban Krang,is the originator of the famous Khun Phaen amulets,is located in Tambon Sri Prajant in Supann Buri, to the west of the Supann Buri river (sometimes also called ‘Mae Nam Ta Jeen’). The temple is an Ancient temple, built in the Ayuttaya period.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Phra Tha kra Dan

Phra Tha Kra Dan 1 of 5 Benjapakee " Phra Yot Khun Phon " 
Thai Buddha Ancient Amulet Nuea Chin (holy metal) 

Amulet 's Name : Phra Tha Kradan 
at Wat Thamku : kanchanaburi 
Year : BE2550

Condition : Excellent 
Phra Tha Kradan Having the effect of guarding the safety for good, it is said that Phra Tha Kradan is capable of stopping the bullet from being shot out. Made from lead and iron, Phra Tha Kradan owns the feature of red eyes and slightly slanted tied-hairs. The 1st-batch Phra Tha Kradan amulets were discovered in 2440 BE from temples of Tambon Tha Kradan, Kanchanaburi Province, all U Thong Style. In 2496 BE the same edition of Phra Tha Kradan amulets was also found in Srinagarind Dam. Phra Tha Kradan amulet often makes wearers feel combative because of its characteristic of martialism. The U Thong-style Phra Tha Kradan amulet is also believed to attract ample wealth. 
Blessed to give the wearer the highest level of qualities . 


Phaya Khao Kham Lun Lam Ruay Metta Som Phatana limited edition 399set only.
Another great hand made Love Amulet from the Burmese (Lanna) school of magic, blessed by the old time Guru monk Kruba Sitthi  Wat Pang Tone Dearn Chiang Rai . 

Phaya Khao Kham  is the handsome god that has several superb powers such as make wearer to be more charming, sex appeal and attractive. In addition, this powerful amulet is great of bring success in love, wealth, luck and kindness to worshipper. This  generation pim is one of the all time great love amulets from the northern kingdom, known to be very powerful charm for Mahasanay and Metta.

Kruba Sitthi said that he created this amulet based on an ancient manuscript that belonged to the Shan Tai Yai people. It features Phaya  Khao Kham, a northern Deva, often mistakenly thought synonymous with Khun Paen. Furthermore the female forms depicted are not concubines as often suggested but in fact a manifestation of the divine, each with an individual power to assist.

This ancient design has been copied numerous times by many modern day monks and as the years go by the real meaning becomes increasingly diluted with popualr belief.

It is said whose ever eyes fall upon this amulet they will be possessed by a great desire to show love and kindness. In fact the owner will be seen as Minut Kinari Naarepon, bearing fruits that are so alluring that females cannot deny a basic desire.

This pim was created from a number of very powerful components all known to be highly effacacious when used in Burmese wicha mahasanay. 


Mix with 59 different types of  metta powder , wan pon Ya patha man  108 , mai mong koon " holy wood 9 types , holy powder from luang phor Kruba stitik , pon kiesa 108 , pon pep sek with a lot Phra Geji : luang phor buua Kiet wat bang guut mae teang Chiang mai , luang phor maha surasak wat pradoo semut somkam, luang phor jaai wat payak semut somkam , luang phor supoj wat si song tham nakhon sawan, pon nak metta , nak naa thong ,pon thape lam juua , phay kunman powder from archan supoj leerchak semut somkam ....

Mass Chanting with :
Kruba dtan wat Ya phai Chiang Mai 
Kruba boon yang wat huay nam Weng Lamphoo
Kruba paang dtaa Jaao kar nak ampek wiiang heng Chiang Mai .
Luang phor kied wat sutha pradik pisanulok 
Luang phor saai wat tha Mai daeng dtaak 
Kruba un wat rong wua Chiang Mai 
Kruba tham jaai wat wat pa ngiu Chiang Mai 
Kruba noi wat sri Donmoon Chiang Mai 
Kruba Sao kam wat luang sri dtiaan Chiang Mai .
Power Of Phaya Khao Kham :  Special Wealthy fetching, Prosperity, Protection from bad influence and evil, Metta Mahalap, Harmproof and bring good fortune especially business and authority.

Katha bucha :
Namo Tassa x 3 time
Nak metta - jak maha raa chaa -
Ah metta - jak maha raa chaa-
Wu metta - jak maha raa chaa -
Sapak saney ha - jak poo ji dtaa - Sapak sook kang - maha la pang - raat goo tan- wik nak sang Tik - chak na goo tan - wik nak sang tik - Sapak goo tan - wik nak sang Tik .

Saturday, 9 April 2016

LP Ruay

occasion to worship excellent powerful amulet by great monk


Name: LP Ruay coin in over shape

Batch: “Maha Mongkun

From: LP Ruay, Wat Tako, Ayutthaya province

Origin: Thailand

Year: B.E.2558

Material: this powerful amulet created from copper. 

Purpose for making: LP Ruay would like to donate the money from amulet to develop and restore the buildings in temple. 

Ceremony: LP Ruay strongly blessed this powerful amulet on auspicious day inside Buddhist church of Wat Tako.

Power: LP Ruay amulet is very well known because LP Ruay amulet can protect worshiper from harm, weapon, bad thing and black magic. By the way, this powerful amulet can bring wealth, progress and good thing to worshiper. 

Presented: in front of coin has “LP Ruay” . Moreover, in the back has “Cock . 

Biography of LP Ruay: 
LP Ruay was born in B.E.2464 (C.E.1921) at Ayutthaya province. When LP Ruay was 16 years old, he was ordained as Buddhist novice at Wat Tako. In B.E.2484, LP Ruay was ordained as Buddhist monk at Wat Tako by LP Chuen of Wat Phachee was preceptor. LP Ruay went to study the magic and meditation from many top monks such as LP Chuen of Wat Phachee, LP Jam of Wat Dangnuea and other.


广种福田——阿赞苏力扬庙钉佛牌 在泰国佛牌界,若要评选“既低调又强悍”的圣物,阿赞苏力扬的庙钉佛牌绝对能占一席之地。这款佛牌不仅承袭了龙婆坤的经典造型,更因其罕见的材料——百年庙钉,在收藏界掀起了一波热潮。 庙钉的神秘力量——千锤百炼,方成圣物 什么是庙钉?简单来说,它就是泰国古...