Monday, 29 February 2016

LP Whan

现在在泰国很出名的师傅龙婆宛,瓦孔坤 Luang Phor Whan, Wat KlongKhun 
披集府 (Phi Chit) 达潘欣县 Tha Pan Hin 瓦孔坤(Wat KlongKhun) 的帕古披匹他贪玛吞 (Phra Kru Phi Phit Tha Thamma Thon)又名龙婆宛古沙拉集多[鳄鱼城]声望县赫阻法力高强的法师。
不同凡响的龙婆宛,自小即受到生父[符咒灵验大师]摩墨 (Momerk)的培养和熏陶,更获得了龙婆银 Luang Phor Ngern 的真传,所以身负超凡的神通法力,有铜皮铁骨刀抢不入的身躯。

Takrut Maha Amnat

A very special Takrut you may not miss!

Maha Amnat means power over others. 

Year: B.E. 2558(C.E. 2015)

Material: copper sheet & Holy powder 

Size: 5inch & 3 inch 

Amount: limited edition

Feature: tied around with a colored string 

Present: LP Whan intensively inscribed a magical script (Yant) on a copper sheet to make the most powerful Takrut. 

Power: Takrut Maha Amnat by LP Whan is popular among worshippers. Many worshippers had wonderful experience with Takrut. They could survive from serious events such as being shot by a gun, being attacked by ruffians, getting an electric shock, being struck by a thunderbolt, etc. When people were save, they told one another and Takrut  by LP Whan became the talk of the town.Moreover, amulets by LP Whan have Metta Maha Niyom the power that makes the worshipper popular and get kindness from people.

Takrut  Maha Amnat (Powerful) that there are great powers about make worshipper to be more powerful and protect dangerous from animals.

Besides that this Takrut also have other different kinds of yant inside can separate such as:

Yant Metta Maha Niyom (kindness) that there are great powers about Metta, kindness and success in negotiation.

 Yant KhaKhai (business) that there is great power about bring good business to a worshipper.

Yant Yu Yong Khong KraPhan (invulnerable) this Yant is very well known about make a worshipper to be invulnerable. Moreover, if a worshipper strict does following katha, worshipper can make you invisible.

 Yant Pong Kan Phai (protection) this Yant can protect a worshipper from ghost, disasters and black magic

Yant Sara Phat Nuek or Yant Phan Chong (multi purpose) Thai people believe this Yant can protect a worshipper from every dangerous, illness and bad things. On the other hand, there is great of fulfill a worshipper’s wishes.

Saturday, 27 February 2016


This batch best for attracting wealth 

100% Authentic from Temple

Name:LP Koon amulet

Batch: Roon Khoon Phra Tep Pratahn Porn = Dewa give luck batch

From: LP Koon Paritsuttho of BahnRai, Nakhon Ratchasima province

Color: Gold 

Presented: On the front, LP Koon was making the concentration. On the back show a pouch image for attracting money.

Material:old coin 

Size: 2 cm x 3 cm

Year: 7 November B.E.2536 (C.E.1993) 

Ceremony LP Koon blessed this batch.

Powerful: Power: People believe LP Khoon’s amulet can help the owner invisible when the owner strongly chants while in dangerous.






Friday, 26 February 2016

债还清財龟Run Plodnee

龙婆丿瓦塞通伦普逆永不欠债第一批財龟加持多以增强人缘,避险,转运,招财,以及普逆-债还清,普逆意为能使配戴圣物的人,运势转好,快乐,决策判断正确,守财,事半功倍,从而一步一步将债务还清。没有债务的人戴,则有"永不欠债"效力,避免大起大落,先盛后衰的命运。这批是很值得收藏的一粒佛牌。此佛牌是為了籌款而制,run plodnee是還清債,師傅希望佩戴此佛牌的信徒佩戴了後可以把債還清,或是減少,相當有意思的一粒佛牌。

龙婆丿(LP Phet )得龙婆柳师傅的真传而習得制作招财龟圣物, 师傅的招财龟除了可以保护一零八种不同的天灾人祸及意外侵害(包括:动物攻击、雷劈、狗咬、水险、降头、是非、车祸、火险、盗贼等),圣龟亦会带来好运、财运及人缘.

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

爱神phet Phaya Thorn




      龙婆阪制作爱神Phet Phaya Thorn佛牌由于数量甚少和功效十分显赫,在很短的时间内就恭请完了。这期佛牌给予无数的佩戴者带来显著的帮助,推销员有着傲视群雄的销售业绩,害羞小子成为女人杀手,做生意的步步高升,个个人都能满愿。这期爱神Phet Phaya Thorn的功效是远远不止在人缘上的!在成愿助运,辟邪挡灾,经商买卖,人缘和合,正偏财运以及异性人缘上都有着很好的口碑!几乎是全功能的!


    2. 胜利,战胜情敌,脱颖而出,拥有爱情与婚姻的主导权!







Katha :

Om Naa Ya Ya Su Na More Khoo Sa Ra Dti Jit Dtang Maa Re Ma Ma Ehi Ehi Naa Kha Ya Na Pha Mak Ka Cha Ka Ya Kha Na Jidt Dtang 
Sa Maa Ka Naa Samaa Ka Na Home Cha Ka Sa Waa Haa

Arjan Prasut

Naree Jet Nang Gaew Run Pised Pasom Pong Puttakun - (final edition) Love and Wealth Charm - Pra Ajarn Prasut - Wat Nai Tao (Huay Yord)

seven maidens wrapped around a pillar) or otherwise known as 'Jet Nang Gaew'. This edition is made in Nuea Pong (sacred powders) with some of Luang Pors special charm oil and balm inserted in the base and some of his Civara Robes pasted on the bottom.

The amulet is revered for its power of 'Maha Choke' (Great Luck) and Maha Sanaeh (attraction and charm) and Metta (friendliness iniducing spell). People from all kinds of different professionbs have had positive results with making Bucha to this charm, which is of use to people of all walks of life and professions. The amulet is enjoying success with devotees in Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore, where Ajarn Prasuts Magic is becoming ever more famous. The Naree Jet Nang Gaew Run Pised (special edition) is the 'Run Sud Tai' (last ever edition) to be made, and this nopw closes the Dtamnan (legend) of the Ajarn Pasut Naree 7 Nang Gaew amulet forever. This is the last time he will have made this kind of amulet. Ajarn Prasut calculated the astrological auspicious dates and times (rerk in Thai), and chose dates which were aligned with Nang Fa and Nang Sawan, which are occasions of very high Maha sanaeh and Metta power. The date was a Monday 14th February 2554 BE (also Valenties Day!!).

Another thing which makes this final edition of Naree 7 Nang Gaew amulets so special, is that they were made using a Naree Jet Nang Gaew made from Mai Yor (a sacred wood) which had been made and soaked in 'Nam Man Jone Hlong' (a very powerful Maha Sanaeh oil) by LP Prasut since long ago. He had always planned to use this extremely ancient and sacred wooden totem as ingredients for the Muan Sarn of the Naree Jet nang Gaew final edition. The reason for very special ingredients in the Muan Sarn of this editon is in order to complete the Dtamnan of this amulet with a flying finish - going out with a bang instead of a whimper, so to speak.

Kata Jet Naree Pan Hlak

(Naree Jet Nang Gaew - seven ladies wrapped around pillar/Shiva lingam)
Gaam Malaamang Idthee Lingka Agandta Dtidt-Chaami Pantang Bpiyang Ma Ma
(once you have chanted, focus your mind on what you are wishing for).

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Phra Sangkacai Mahalap 2506

Phra sangkacai Mahalap Wat Prasat 2506 mass chanted by over 200 monks from nationwide for 7days 7 nights.

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Wat Prasat 2506

Phra Pidta Grey Color, a holy powder Closing Eyes Buddha amulet, made in BE 2506 (CE 1963) by Wat Prasat, Bangkok. This amulet contains holy powder crushed from Phra Somdej Bangkhunprom amulets made by Somdej Phra Buddhachan Toh of Wat Rakang kept in the chamber of Chedi of Wat Mai Amataros (Wat Bangkhunprom), the chamber was officially opened in BE 2500.

*This BE 2506 Batch of amulet contains high proportion of holy powder and fragments crushed from Phra Somdej Bangkhunprom much more than BE 2509 Batch of Phra Somdej Bangkhunprom made by Wat Mai-amataros (Wat Bang Khunprom).

BEST FOR: Wealth Fetching, Maha Larp (brings lucky wealth), Metta Maha Niyom (makes people around you love you, be nice to you, and willing to support you for anything), Kaa Kaai Dee (helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back, and Klawklad Plodpai (helps push you away from all danger)

 Wat Prasat BE 2506 Batch of amulets was made by Phra Samut Ampol, the Chief Abbot of Wat Prasat between BE 2505 – 2509 for fundraiser of the restoration work of the temple of Wat Prasart. Phra Samut Ampol had collect various type of holy material to make this Batch of amulet such as:

- Broken Phra somdej Bangkhunprom made by Somdej Phra Buddhachan Toh discovered inside Chedi of Wat Bangkhunprom

- Broken Phra Somdej Wat Rakang made by Somdej Phra Buddhachan Toh

- Broken Phra Somdej Pilan discovered inside Chedi of Wat Rakang

- Holy powder left-over from the production of Phra Pong Kwong Kwan of Wat Paknam Pasrichareon, Bangkok given by LP Sod in BE 2497

- Broken ancient amulets from Wat Mahawan, Lamphoon Province

- Holy Powder crushed from Phra Kru Wat Plub made by Somdej Pra Sangglaraj Suk Kaituan

- Holy Powder left-over from the production of BE 2497 LP Tuad of Wat Changhai amulet given by Archan Tim of Wat Changhai, Pattani Province

*This BE 2506 Batch of amulet contains high proportion of holy powder and fragments crushed from Phra Somdej Bangkhunprom much more than BE 2509 Batch of Phra Somdej Bangkhunprom made by Wat Mai-amataros (Wat Bang Khunprom).

The Blessing Ceremony was held continuously for 3 days and 3 nights from the 6th to 9th of March B.E.2506. The second time was held for 4 days and 4 nights from the 13th to 15th of November B.E.2506. Blessed by over 200 Guru Monks including:

- Archan Tim, Wat Changhai

- LP Tim, Wat Laharnrai

- Phor Than Klai, Wat Suan-khan

- LP Noi, Wat Thammasala

- LP Toh, Wat Pradoochimplee

- LP Dang, Wat Kao Bandai-it

- LP Mui, Wat Donrai

- LP Ngern, Wat Donyaihom

- LP Guay, Wat Kositaram

- LP Phrom, Wat Chongkae

- LP Thop, Wat ChonDaen

- LP Chong, Wat Natangnok

- LP Kheaw, Wat Rongboon

- LP Doo, Wat Sakae

- LP Pae, Wat Pikunthong

- LP Nak, Wat Rakhang

- LP Hin, Wat Rakhang

- LP Boi, Wat Manao

- Archan Nam, Wat Donsala

Friday, 19 February 2016

Phaya Khao Kham 爱神

Phaya Khao Kham Lun Lam Ruay Metta Som Phatana limited edition 399set only.

Another great hand made Love Amulet from the Burmese (Lanna) school of magic, blessed by the old time Guru monk Kruba Sitthi  Wat Pang Tone Dearn Chiang Rai 

Phaya Khao Kham  is the handsome god that has several superb powers such as make wearer to be more charming, sex appeal and attractive. In addition, this powerful amulet is great of bring success in love, wealth, luck and kindness to worshipper. This  generation pim is one of the all time great love amulets from the northern kingdom, known to be very powerful charm for Mahasanay and Metta.

Kruba Sitthi said that he created this amulet based on an ancient manuscript that belonged to the Shan Tai Yai people. It features Phaya  Khao Kham, a northern Deva, often mistakenly thought synonymous with Khun Paen. Furthermore the female forms depicted are not concubines as often suggested but in fact a manifestation of the divine, each with an individual power to assist.

This ancient design has been copied numerous times by many modern day monks and as the years go by the real meaning becomes increasingly diluted with popualr belief.

It is said whose ever eyes fall upon this amulet they will be possessed by a great desire to show love and kindness. In fact the owner will be seen as Minut Kinari Naarepon, bearing fruits that are so alluring that females cannot deny a basic desire.

This pim was created from a number of very powerful components all known to be highly effacacious when used in Burmese wicha mahasanay. 


Mix with 59 different types of  metta powder , wan pon Ya patha man  108 , mai mong koon " holy wood 9 types , holy powder from luang phor Kruba stitik , pon kiesa 108 , pon pep sek with a lot Phra Geji : luang phor buua Kiet wat bang guut mae teang Chiang mai , luang phor maha surasak wat pradoo semut somkam, luang phor jaai wat payak semut somkam , luang phor supoj wat si song tham nakhon sawan, pon nak metta , nak naa thong ,pon thape lam juua , phay kunman powder from archan supoj leerchak semut somkam ....

Mass Chanting with :
Kruba dtan wat Ya phai Chiang Mai 
Kruba boon yang wat huay nam Weng Lamphoo
Kruba paang dtaa Jaao kar nak ampek wiiang heng Chiang Mai .
Luang phor kied wat sutha pradik pisanulok 
Luang phor saai wat tha Mai daeng dtaak 
Kruba un wat rong wua Chiang Mai 
Kruba tham jaai wat wat pa ngiu Chiang Mai 
Kruba noi wat sri Donmoon Chiang Mai 
Kruba Sao kam wat luang sri dtiaan Chiang Mai .

Power Of Phaya Khao Kham :  Special Wealthy fetching, Prosperity, Protection from bad influence and evil, Metta Mahalap, Harmproof and bring good fortune especially business and authority.

Katha bucha :
Namo Tassa x 3 time
Nak metta - jak maha raa chaa -
Ah metta - jak maha raa chaa-
Wu metta - jak maha raa chaa -
Sapak saney ha - jak poo ji dtaa - Sapak sook kang - maha la pang - raat goo tan- wik nak sang Tik - chak na goo tan - wik nak sang tik - Sapak goo tan - wik nak sang Tik .


Thursday, 18 February 2016

Takrut Pokasap

Maha Surasak amazingly beautiful golden Takrut have turned out to have brought immensely successful results with almost all those people who obtained on of these giant size (3 inches long) special tagrud amulets, bringing great luck in recieving windfalls, business sales and auspicious occurences, that they have become immensely sought after. The Wicha of this particular Takrut making method is a very rare and well kept secret, and is made in a different way to almost all other Takrut, with various strict rules that mantain the purity and power of the amulet. One famouse story about this wicha is that Luang Por Surasak says he is willing to endow anyone with the knowledge of how to make these Takrut, with the sole condition that he who learns the wicha must ordain as a monk and never disrobe! This is because only a Monk who keeps his promise to never disrobe will be able to perform the Wicha. This is part of what makes the Takrut so powerful.

This is certainly not an economy price Takrut, and is also not a Takrut you will see floating aorund amulet stalls or markets at all, for it has been snapped up by a few people who knew of its making and maker, and the Takrut never really got the chance to reach the general public or enter the general amulet marketplace.
If you are seeking a Takrut for riches, but do not have a large budget, then this is perhaps not the perfect choice for you, for there are many other Takruts which also attract riches at lower prices. But for those of you who seek a Takrut of great power, rarity and beauty and are not too limited by your budget, then this is most certainly one of the best, most powerful and beautiful Takrut you could find, be it old or new.

Kata Takrut Pokasap –  Maha Surasak Wat Pradoo

Itaani Ehi Tanang Siri Pokaa Mahaa Sayo Ittiritti Chayya Chayyang Laapa Laapang Sittigammang Prasittime

Takrut Pokasap

Maha Surasaks amazingly beautiful golden Takrut have turned out to have brought immensely successful results with almost all those people who obtained on of these giant size (6 inches long) special tagrud amulets, bringing great luck in recieving windfalls, business sales and auspicious occurences, that they have become immensely sought after. The Wicha of this particular Takrut making method is a very rare and well kept secret, and is made in a different way to almost all other Takrut, with various strict rules that mantain the purity and power of the amulet. One famouse story about this wicha is that Luang Por Surasak says he is willing to endow anyone with the knowledge of how to make these Takrut, with the sole condition that he who learns the wicha must ordain as a monk and never disrobe! This is because only a Monk who keeps his promise to never disrobe will be able to perform the Wicha. This is part of what makes the Takrut so powerful.

This is certainly not an economy price Takrut, and is also not a Takrut you will see floating aorund amulet stalls or markets at all, for it has been snapped up by a few people who knew of its making and maker, and the Takrut never really got the chance to reach the general public or enter the general amulet marketplace.
If you are seeking a Takrut for riches, but do not have a large budget, then this is perhaps not the perfect choice for you, for there are many other Takruts which also attract riches at lower prices. But for those of you who seek a Takrut of great power, rarity and beauty and are not too limited by your budget, then this is most certainly one of the best, most powerful and beautiful Takrut you could find, be it old or new.

Kata Takrut Pokasap –  Maha Surasak Wat Pradoo

Itaani Ehi Tanang Siri Pokaa Mahaa Sayo Ittiritti Chayya Chayyang Laapa Laapang Sittigammang Prasittime

Lp Thar

LP Thar Noo Gin Nom Meow( Rat Drinking Cat Milk) With Oil BE 2557
Wat Pah Tosapon Mungkalaram
4.5cm x 3.5cm, comes with waterproof casing 
Made 999 pieces only
108 Herbs and Holy Powder Material Embedded with Tarkut , monk rode etc. Soaked in Flower Oil
LP Thar Noo Gin Nom Meow is believed to best own wearer with Great Metta, Wealth Luck. Just like the cat and rat they are born enemy but because of Great Metta, the rat can even drink from the cat milk.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Kruba Orr Khun Paen Metta Mahalarp

Khun paen metta mahalarp
Master: Kruba Orr

This batch Khun paen mix with the following mixture:
1 scare mixture from Kruba Orr 
2 Kruba Orr hair,robes ,chanmak betel leaves,cigarette butts.
3 Turmeric powder
4 Pong Plaai Kuman from Lp sarkon Wat Nong Krab,Wat Lahanrai 
5 Pong Phrai Chang phueak from LP Surthon Wat pa mak no
6 Kafka Mai mayom
7 Changrong Mai Rak powder (stingless bee powder)
8 Ya setthi ariyasap ash (tails man ash)
9 Tamra Mongol 108 ash
10 Dokmai Rak from 7 month 
11 Siames rose wood powder 
12 silver and golden sand powder from LP koon Wat Banrai 
13 fragments of broken small Buddha images such as Somdej from Archan Toh ,Pitta LP Toh Wat Pradu Chinpee 
14 wan saolong powder 
16 wan saney chanlom powder 
17 wan maha niyong 108 powder 
18 consecrated soap pod tree from Kruba sitthi 
19 soil from 7 water slides & 7 lands 
20 wan saney saolong oil
21 water from Doi Luang Chiang Dao cave performed ceremony on holy clay waxing on the 15th evening 7 month 
22 wan Kai Daeng oil 
23 Holy water from several Master such as LP Waen ,LP koon ,Kruba Duang Dee , Kruba Intha and Kruba sitthi .

Monday, 15 February 2016

Luck candles

Tian SermDuang luck wealth increasing /clear obstacles candles (single)
Approx size 12.5 x 1 inches 
By LP Boon Wat Thung Hiang
Year 2558
Sacred ingredients ; bees wax 
And other various potions to increase luck and protection metta
clearing bad karma 
Changing bad luck into good luck 
Boost annual luck 
Trade business sales 
** To use the tian sermduang 
You should write your name and birthday on the candles (all 3 ) and lit it before the buddha statue on your own altar on the day of the week that you were born for example..,Monday
Pray to lord buddha as normal 
But when candles is burning you should sit in samathi in front of it and visualize your bad karma burning away 
You can also chant the Itipiso katha 108 times 
While the candles burns

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Somdej Wat Prasat 2506

Name: Somdej Phra Kru Moon

Temple: Wat Prasat

Consecration Made: 2506 (1963)
Totally 2 times; 
(1) 6th – 9th March 1963, there were well-known 234 Luang Po coming to chant, fully 4 days 4 nights.
(2) 13th – 15th November 1963, there were well known 108 LP coming to consecrate, fully 3 days 3 nights.

Powder: Whitish Green, mixture of old Wat Rakhang and Bangkumprom powder

Production objective: Rebuild temple, store amulets into Chedi and give away to people who join the amulet consecration ceremony.

Main materials mixed in the Wat Phra Sart Boon Ya Wart’s amulets
1. Wat Ra Kang Somdej powder (consecrated by Ajarn Toh of Wat Ra Kang) 

2. Broken-piece of Somdej Bang Koon Phom ( Or Wat In)
3. Chanted powder by Luang Po Sod of Wat Pak Nam, Bangkok
4. Look om (holy ball) consecrated by Luang Po Niam of Wat Noi, Supanbuiri. (His amulets are also in list of top amulet from Supanburi province, land of Baan Krang Kun Phen amulet)
5. Broken-piece of Somdej Wat Pup (One of the top Somdejs in Thailand)
6. Soil taken from where Lord Buddha born in India
7. Holy soil from Wat Chang Hai, Pattani province
8. 109 holy herbs throughout Thailand
9. Lek Lai powder given by Luang po Sorn of Wat Tung Sa Wang Serng Sang, Nakonratchasrima pronvice. (One of the top Luang pho from North East area at that time)
10. Broken-piece Somdej of Wat Sam Pherm, Bangkok (one of the top Somdejs in Bangkok)
11. Left-over powder from Somdej Pao amulets (Made in 1952)
12. Broken-piece Luang poo Thaud image amulet made since 1954 (herbal-powder amulet)
13. Broken-piece of Phra Lampoon from Lampoon province (one of the tops amulet from Northern part of Thailand) 
14. Holy mineral grains throughout Thailand.
15. Holy and black soil as main material to make 1st Luang po Thaud 1954 batch from Pattani province.
16. Broken- piece Phra Kru (found-in-Chedi amulet) from Supanburi province.
17. Broken- piece Phra Kru (found-in-Chedi amulet) of Wat Am Pha Wa (One of the top amulet in Samutsongkam province.
18. metal grain leaf over from making well-known Phra Kling of Wat Su Tart (Legend of Phra Kling in Thailand, one of the top Phra Kling amulets in Thailand)19. Consecrated powder by Luang poo Nak of Wat Ra Khang, Bangkok province etc.

Those well-known Luang pos that came to consecrated the amulets such as;

1. Luang po Tim of Wat Chang Hai, Pattani province
2. Luang poo Nak of Wat Ra Kang, Bangkok province
3. Luang poo Toh of Wat Pha Doo Chim pee, Bangkok
4. Luang po Pae of Wat Phi Koon Thong, Singburi province
5. Luang po Tae of Wat Sam Ngam, Nakonphatom province
6. Chao Kun Pon of Wat Nang, Bangkok. (His medal is one of the top medal amulets in Thai amulet society)
7. Luang po Noi of Tham Ma Sa La, Nakonphatom province. (His “Rahu” amulet is one of the top Rahu amulets in Thailand)
8. Luang po Jong of Wat Na Thang Nok, Ayutthaya province. (His Takut and 1st medal are one of the south-after amulets nowadays)
9. Luang po Ngen of Wat Don Yai Hom, Nakonphatom province. (His 1st batch medal is now one of the top medal in Thai amulet society)
10. Luang poo Doo of Wat Sa Kae, Ayutthaya province
11. Luang po Thit of Wat Pha Rat Rai, Supanburi province.
12. Luang po Moi of Wat Don Rai, Supanburi province etc.

Somdej 2512

Pra Somdej, a Holy Powder Buddha amulet with a figure of Buddha in Meditation Gesture seating on 3 tiers platform. Made by Pra Maha Komet of Wat Racha Natdaram, Bangkok in BE 2512 (CE 1969). Blended with Holy Powder of LP Dang of Wat Kao Bandai-it (uncle of Pra Maha Komet), Holy Powder of LP Toh of Wat Pradoochimplee, and Holy Powder made by Guru Monks of that period. Blessed by LP Guay of Wat Kositaram (Wat Ban-khae), LP Toh of Wat Pradoochimplee, LP Naai of Wat Ban-jang, and LP Prink of Wat Bodh-khong-thanuu

BEST FOR: Wealth Fetching, Maha Larp (brings lucky wealth), Metta Maha Niyom (helps make people around you love you, be nice to you, and support you no matter what), and Kaa Kaai Dee (helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back. And Klawklad Plodpai (brings safety, and pushes you away from all danger), Kongkraphan (makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Maha-ut (stops gun from shooting at you).

Somdej 2512

Pra Somdej, Pim Tarn Sam Chan Suam Gamrai, a Holy Powder Buddha amulet with a figure of Buddha in Meditation Gesture seating on 3 tiers platform, and Buddha is wearing a bracelet on his left arm. Made by Pra Maha Komet of Wat Racha Natdaram, Bangkok in BE 2512 (CE 1969). Blended with Holy Powder of LP Dang of Wat Kao Bandai-it (uncle of Pra Maha Komet), Holy Powder of LP Toh of Wat Pradoochimplee, and Holy Powder made by Guru Monks of that period. Blessed by LP Guay of Wat Kositaram (Wat Ban-khae), LP Toh of Wat Pradoochimplee, LP Naai of Wat Ban-jang, and LP Prink of Wat Bodh-khong-thanuu

*Gamrai in Thai means both brecelet, and “PROFIT”. This amulet could help you make your business more profitable, and find new profit-making opportunities

BEST FOR: Wealth Fetching, Maha Larp (brings lucky wealth), Metta Maha Niyom (helps make people around you love you, be nice to you, and support you no matter what), and Kaa Kaai Dee (helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back. And Klawklad Plodpai (brings safety, and pushes you away from all danger), Kongkraphan (makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Maha-ut (stops gun from shooting at you).

Saturday, 13 February 2016


师傅:ArJan Prasoot

天神KAM MING PHOM的七个女儿,由于某种原因被封为 
KAM MING PHOM的守护神,同时也掌管大地众生的姻婚缘分,异性人缘和 

ARJAN PRASOOT,WAT NAI TAO督造此圣品可一点也不马虎。首先最不可缺 

最不可缺的就是身体上的圬泥 ,而且还是源自美女身上的,再配合其生日之星期。 
不同的生日,所取圬泥的部位也有所不同。收集好后与多种灵 土混合, 
以吸收月亮圣洁之光, 一达到其灵显威力。此圣品可称是人缘至尊,佩带后人缘一流, 
每天还得到守护神保护,又有须弥山为靠山,那就 更锦上添花了。 
辟邪挡险、 防降化煞、增加自信。七仙女(七女抱柱·及那里咯叻)此圣品从表面看好象色情玩意儿, 
但很多信众喜爱。这圣 品上有七个裸女抱住一颗似西哇能的物体,此圣品其实是演绎自“宋干”的节日。 
宋干节又叫“泼水节”,每年新 历的四月十二、十三、十四是泰国的宋干节,也是泰国民族传统的“新年”。 
宋干节是由印度传入泰国,源自婆罗 门教的一种宗教仪式,“宋干”出自梵文,是佛历第一天


 帕西瓦力骑羊圣物简介 创制者:古巴般迪达,清迈府帕塔兹山寺(วัดพระธาตุดอยยวนคำ),缅甸邦彭地区。 缘起与创建 帕西瓦力骑羊佛像(พระสิวลีขี่แพะ)起源于掸族(ไทใหญ่)的民间信仰,因其象征富足与好运,最初专为从商贵族打造。这尊佛像结合了帕西瓦力...