Saturday, 30 January 2016

2555 LP Khoi Wat Phu Khao Thong

Taep Pra Rahu ‘Run Chana Marn 2555 BE’ (Conquering Mara Edition) Historical Event in Khao or History – ner sertak Lohak  – Por Tan Khoi – Wat Phu Khao Tong (Pattalung)

The Conquering Mara Edition of Rahu Amulets from por Tan Khoi were included in two Putta Pisek Taewa Pisek Empowerment Ceremonies and is an edition which is of Great Historical Importance for the Lineage Masters of Khao Or Southern Magical Arts. First empowerment was held in Ubon Ratchatani with a host of Isan masters and then again in the South with the Khao or Masters present.

The amulets were made in various Sacred Metals and Powders and empowered in two Major Putta Pisek Ceremonies, along with some Hun Payont Soldier Amulets, some very rich sacred powder Pid Ta amulets in special edition, and a set of Pra Kring and Pra Chaiyawat Loi Ongk Buddha statuettes in Sacred Metals.

This particular version is made from holly metals sertak Lohak and Nuea wan Sabu Luead (‘Bloody Soap’ – reddish brown Sacred Powder, made from Magical Herbs, Incenses and Pollens)

Each amulet has an individual numbered code stamp and individual blessing with gold powder. The amulets received an intensely powerful Blessing on both occasions. The metal versions were made 888 times in 8 different smelting ceremonies, making each mixture emerge slightly different. each block press or smelting round was recorded and the resulting amulets and surface finishes were also recorded, which is a sure sign of these amulets being accepted and extremely sought after in professional collector circles and high end amulet collector scenes in the Future.

This Edition was made and recorded in the annals of Thai Khao Or Sacred Cave Magical Lineage History with a double Empowerment, first being performed with an array of the Best Masters of the Isan Magical Lineage and then on the second Empowerment Ceremony, in the Presence of the Current and Remaining Older Gemneration Khao or Masters of the Southern Magical Lineage.

The presence of these Important members of Khao Or Magical Brotherhood all joining hands to empower these Pra Rahu, Hun Payont and Pra Kring Amulets will be an event that becomes part of the Historic and centuries Old Legend of Khao Or Sorcery for the Official Empowerment Ceremony of these Powerful (and Highly Collectible)Classic Amulets. Pra Rahu is Prayed to by Thai Buddhist people to reduce the Ill Fate and Bad Karmic effects, for it is rahu who resides in the Darkness and sends bad luck to our Astrological Line of Fate. By Appeasing (with Offerings) and Praying to Pra Rahu for Mercy, we can reduce his Wrath and Increase his Metta towards us, in turn Increasing our Luck again.

For Gamblers, Pra Rahu is an essential Deity to keep Appeasing so that Bad Luck streaks do not set in for too long. 

Pra Chai

Pra Chaiyawat Nimit Choke Bandan Sap Baramee

3Cm high 2 Cm wide - Nuea Sadta Loha - 1399 amulets made. chinese code and series number on back face, stamped code in sacred powders of the base.

Pra Chaiyawat Nimit Choke Bandan Sap Baramee 'Run Chana Marn 2555 BE' (Conquering Mara Edition) Historic Khao Or Event - Nuea Sadta Loha Ud Pong (7 Sacred Metals + Sacred Powder) - Por Tan Khoi




年代久遠 珍貴殊勝之緬文貝葉經文管

符管完全由一片年代非常久遠的貝葉經捲曲而成。是當時泰北古巴达Wat Ban Lau加持的聖物之一。












貝葉經也是制作佛牌常用的原材料聖物之一,很多老貝葉經可能曾被多代高僧翻閱誦讀,至到破爛老化,就會用火燒成經灰,用來制作佛牌,我們經常就聽到,"貝葉經灰版"的佛牌,就是以此作為主要材料,如LP TOH WAT PADU CHIMPEE制作的必打佛牌,大家一定不會陌生的了吧!

Friday, 29 January 2016

108 beads

108 beads holy stone 
Bead size 1cm
Rare and precious Arahant Relic Stone
From Sam Roi Yod Mountain Prachup Khiri Khan province
With high-skill handcrafted by native artisan.

Magical effects: 
To attract good luck, wealth, health and happiness. 
Good and forever prosperity. 
It will eliminate bad luck and chances of misfortune like accidents. 
Increase meditation relaxation, the love and merits, healing for the heart mind body and soul and balance of the Yin & Yang and movements of the enchanted "Chi".

** LP Parn, LP Koon, LP Lersi Lindam and LP Yit ever said this Arahant Relic stone is powerful enough even without monks blessing**

According to legend 2000 year ago, 500 Arahant monks practiced meditation in Cave of SamRoiYod Mountain Prachup Khiri Khan province. The strong aura from the practicing meditation had formed the relic into the stone at the surrounding cave. 
Some Relic stone also formed by the fossil relic after Arahants had attained perfect enlightenment inside the cave. Until today, Arahant Relic Stone is a living stone with divine blessing.

** the Relic stone is considered a rare, and powerful piece of enlightenment.*
Katha for sharing ..
Think of and give respect to the Buddha Dhamma and Sangha first 
Chant in morning for 3 times and another 3 times in the evening to call for chock laap luck wealth and fortune 
Chant for 1 time when making merit &offering 

Simply chant 
Namo..3 times
Put Ta Ma A U
Na Mo Put Tha Ya
Wi Ra Ta Yo Wi Ra Ko Naa Young
Wi Ra Hing Saa
Wi Ra Taa Si
Wi Ra Taa Saa
Wi Ra It Thi Yo
Put Thus Sa
Maa Nee Maa Ma
Put Thus Sa 
Sa Waa hoom

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Si Hu Ha Tar 2558

1.佩戴型普通版分:鍍金版, 紅銅版, 鍍銀版,各做4000尊。

Archan puworn

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Archan Puworn

Khuba Orr Takrut

Takrut som pratthana maha Setti duang by Khuba Orr 

Kruba hand written in silver sheet
Limited 199pcs only 
BE 2557

Boost Your Luck Greatly; Change Bad To Good Luck (Detoxify*** Bad Luck)
Very Good For Wish-Making; Pray For any wishes & it will help you
Enhances Your Loving-Kindness (Metta), Charm and Attraction ( Maha Saney)
Career Progression in Corporate ladder; Boosting Your Wealth Fetching, Businesses & Sales luck
Protection against dangers
Especially for Users that are in very bad state (Business Failure, Unemployed, and etc.) or/and to enhance his/her Career luck

佛宝:takrut som pratthana maha setti duang.

泰国符管种类繁多,有招财,人缘,挡灾,避刀枪的等等。可是其中我见过最奇特的应该是Tarkut som pratthana maha Setti duang为什么说这符管特别呢?因为这其实是个许愿符管。





Monday, 25 January 2016


【阿贊帕空 純銀性愛人緣經文法戒】
阿贊帕空的人緣和合法門不用多說了吧,戒指內刻有帕空師傅獨有的人緣鎖心和合經文符咒招桃花旺姻緣,招貴人,好運,幫助感情和睦,鎖心和合,提升魅力,全面轉運,夫妻和合,單身人士的好幫手、強力助人緣、異性緣、擋險避災、招財運 。師傅說,如果做情侶戒,定情信物,不僅幫助鎖心和合,還可以對感情有長久不變的功效。




 帕西瓦力骑羊圣物简介 创制者:古巴般迪达,清迈府帕塔兹山寺(วัดพระธาตุดอยยวนคำ),缅甸邦彭地区。 缘起与创建 帕西瓦力骑羊佛像(พระสิวลีขี่แพะ)起源于掸族(ไทใหญ่)的民间信仰,因其象征富足与好运,最初专为从商贵族打造。这尊佛像结合了帕西瓦力...