Friday, 28 August 2015

wan fu buddhist gallery location


LP Kasam phra Ruang BE2514.

LP Kasam phra Ruang BE2514.Good for protection,avoid danger ,avoid evil and black magic spell,increase luck and calling wealth.

五佛(Phra Chau Ha Phra Ong)

五佛(Phra Chau Ha Phra Ong)

五佛在泰文里面五佛叫做Phra Chau Ha Phra Ong,也可叫做五世佛,五佛法相的圣物在泰国佛牌督制高僧里面督制的人比较少,历史上龙婆Moon高僧在佛历2497年的时候督制的五佛是近代五佛圣物中的经典之作,以108种药材所制,颜色发黑,椭圆形,可帮助佩戴者提升全方面的运势,尤其是挡险、挡是非方面的效果极佳。其他的高僧及大法会也有制作过此类法相的佛牌,如佛历2500的大法会就有双龙缠绕五佛图案的佛牌制作,其形状为不规则形状,金属材质;此外五佛也有长方形形状的佛牌。
五佛象征了五位佛祖,其中包括前世的三位佛祖:Gaku Sandho Buddha、简称Na;Gona Kamano Buddha、简称Mo;Gassapo Buddha、简称Put。还有现世的一位佛祖:Sakya Muni Gotama Buddha、简称Ta。还有一位来世的佛祖:Sri Ariya Maitreya Buddha、简称Ya。合起来的简称就是Na Mo Put Ta Ya。大家在念诵泰国的一些经文的时候,经常可...以读到Na Mo Put Ta Ya的,含义就是五位佛祖了。人们佩戴五佛,都希望五佛可以帮助他们得到三世(前世、现世、来世)佛祖的庇佑。


Jatukam Patiharn batch fang Phrathat

Phra Luang Por Tuad- Jatukam Patiharn batch fang Phrathat
Description: Phra Luang Por Tuad- Jatukam Patiharn batch fang Phrathat, Wat Huay MongkunB.E.2549.
LP.Tuad on front and Jatukam on back, size 5.7 c.m. in diameter.
LP.Tim Wat Phra Khao, LP.Perm Wat Pomkaew, LP.Poon Wat Ban Pan, LP.Chamlong Wat Phra Jedi Daeng, LP.Unn Wat Tankong wrote Akara Yan by Ancient method,
Great chanting ceremonies were held infront of World Largest Luang Por Tuad at Wat Huay Mongkun, Prajuabkhirikhand, since 2 june B.E.2549 and 27 August B.E.2549 Great 2,549 monks join each (over 5,000 monks in total).
Many of good experiences of this batch Kongkrapahn, Klaewklad and Luck.

Luang Phor Pae B.E. 2503 Somdej Phim Fa Bah 2nd Batch

Luang Phor Pae B.E. 2503 Somdej Phim Fa Bah 2nd Batch (Monk's Old Alms Bowl)
Above is Luang Phor Pae B.E. 2503 Somdej Phim Fa Bah 2nd Batch meaning this Somdej amulet is made from old alms bowl which monks used to collect food in the morning. We will offer food to monks by placing the food in his alms bowl in the morning when they come out from temple. This is a very auspicious metal materials used, why is this so? The purpose of using old alms bowl for the making is like Phor having a wish for devotees to have good luck and loving kindness from people while making a living outside or making a living while traveling on the road (merchants, traders, hawkers). In the past, people are selling foodstuffs and things on the roads on carts or makeshift stalls (hawkers). People in this trade will need more luck and more loving kindness than others that are working in offices, admin departments.
Phra Somdej Phim Fa Bah having used old alms bowl will grant you more luck and more metta while you are making a living selling things on the road, doing outdoor sales and also while you are traveling for business dealings. This particular Somdej amulet is very suitable for people who are making a living while outdoor and traveling, e.g. salesman, propety agents, insurance agents, car salesmen, outdoor sales people, traders, merchants, hawkers and businessman that needs to talk to people and travel alot for making a living. This precious old Phra Somdej Fa Bah B.E. 2503 amulet will give you very strong metta (loving kindness from people), luck, good fortune, safety and protection while you are making a living outside, on the road or travelling


功效:老牌全能效,事业招财、避险、人缘 效果极强

Phen Yant Pra Sivali Riak Sap

This month promotion $18 for Phen Yant Pra Sivali Riak Sap (Pra Sivali Yang for Wealth and treasures)
Magical EffectsSerm Duang, Metta Mahaniyom, Maha Pokasap, Maha Lap
Recommended UsesImprove Fate and Karma, Increase Wealth and Treasures
EditionDtraimas 2558
Luang Pho Soon Thong and Long Pho Song Chai made this Phen Yant using Ancient Wicha and the Hua Jai Pra Chimplee (Pra Sivali), to give to his Looksit so they can Prosper in Business and get themself on their feet in life. Pure Maha Lap Pokasap Magic, the Takrut attracts wealth and Prosperity and Lucky Fortunes.
The Phen Yant has recieved a full 3 months of Incantations (Traimas Empowerment).
Bucha by inserting the Phen Yant in the Incense Bowl and lighting Incense. Say Prayers and think of the Lord Buddha and the Enlightened Beings. Then chant 'Na Cha Lee Ti'
Chant it 3, 5, 7, 9, 108, or as many times as You wish.

Somdej Kampaeng kaew

Sharing the information :The name Kampaeng kaew means Crystal wall (for protection).

Made and chanted at Wat Rumparam (A.K.A. Wat Kluey), Tha Wung district, Lopburi province in year B.E.2504 (Made only 3,000 pieces). Use many sacred mixtures from many places, Fragtments of Phra Krus, Phra Somdej Toh, Phra Somdej Pilan and hundreds type of good things.
27 of Great Monks were chanted includes.....
Luang Poo Nak(Wat Rakhang), Luang Por Nguen (Wat Don Yai Hom), Luang Poo Toh (Wat Pradu Chimplee), Luang Por Nor (Wat Klang Tha-ruer), Luang Por Pae(Wat Pikul Thong), Luang Por Chong (Wat Nathang Nok) etc..

佛历2504 龙婆钟崇迪,翻译成中文的意思是 '水晶之墙”,自神话时代流传下来,水晶之墙就是代表著保护能力极强的墙壁,阻挡一切不好的人、事情、运势在墙外面,把好运、幸福、财富、人缘留在墙内!
这佛牌是在佛历2504年在泰国罗布理省西部的他宏县瓦伦帕兰寺制作和加持的,据说当时的制作量大小模总数只有3000块,材料异常丰富,用了从很多地方收集而来的圣料,例如从老佛塔取出的佛牌碎片,屈拉康捐出的阿赞多剩下的经粉和的亲制老牌的碎料,帕必兰 (阿赞多首徒) 的碎料,还有几百种圣料。 27位当时最有名气的高僧到场参与加持,例如有龙婆钟、龙普纳、龙婆银、龙普多、龙普诺、龙婆培……等等,一共加持了七天七夜。泰国人认为这批佛牌应该算入龙婆钟名下的,因为其中最资深的高僧就是龙婆钟,而且这批佛牌也是模仿龙婆钟的成名作品而制作的。
人缘之神 龙婆钟 佛历2504年(距今53年)在wat ramparam亲自开光加持七天七夜的崇迪kampangkaew
龙婆钟是泰国无人不知无人不晓的泰国高僧, 大城府圣僧,并且师傅法术极为高深, 深受行家追捧,人缘法门非常出众。
制作之时,参入了非常多的圣料, 例如: 1 泰国七大寺庙庙土
2 来自印度七个不同地方的圣土
3 龙婆纳 瓦拉康崇迪牌碎
4 龙婆多所收集的圣粉
5 来自印度7棵菩提树的树叶
6 2485 成功佛表面上的圣粉
7 泰国第一期南帕亚碎料
8 龙婆钟所收集的圣粉
9 数百种花粉
10 龙婆培所收集的圣粉
11 十方佛龙婆银瓦当也孔所收集的圣粉
12 素可泰 出塔古佛碎料
13 城墙府出塔佛碎料
14 南奔府 帕空古佛碎料
等众多圣料, 此面佛牌不仅用料极为丰富, 并且在制作完毕后又27位早期名师共同开光加持 为这尊佛牌开光加持的师傅有:
1 龙婆钟,
2 十方佛龙婆银,
3 九大圣僧龙婆多,
4 龙婆培,
5 龙婆纳, 龙婆康米 wat kuhasawan,
6 龙婆甘,
7 龙婆莫纳,
8 龙婆塞,
9 龙婆丹,
12龙婆双wat shepakao,
14lp.boonmee wat khaosamorkorn等 27 七位当代高僧轮流开光加持了七天七夜。

Mahesuan 2545

This Phra Mahesuan is the biggest puthaphisek ceremony in Supanburi, Thailand. This ceremony was held in Wat Mahathat Supanburi. Nine hundred and ninety nine (999) monks were invited to participate in this puthaphisek. This occasion dated back to year 2545 where the first ever Phra Mahesuan was consrecated in such a big scale. This ancient chedi in Wat Mahathat was also the place where Phra Suan ( Inverted Buddha), then referred to, was first discovered .
A little background ...on this amulet;

before it is referred as Phra Suan, suan means inverted. It was later called as Phra Mahesuan, named after a chief bandit, Mahesuan. This chief bandit, Mahesuan was high on Thai police wanted list at that time. He was wearing only one amulet, Phra Suan. He is still living at present. We guess you would have known how this amulet got its popularity by now.
Phra Mahesuan has been known to give its bearer protection on impenetratability (kungkaphan), avoiding misfortunes including bodily and harm (klaewkard) and luck (mahalap). Due to the nature of this amulet, an inverted Buddha at the back, it is believed that it will help its bearer to invert to his advantage. Example, if our luck is running down, it will invert it up again. If we are bound to clash or meet with out enemy, it will invert the possibilities of meeting. Therefore both won’t meet.
This batch Phra Mahesuan BE 2545 was puthaphisek in Wat Mahathat, Supanburi and also at Wat Rakang subsequently. We more particularly favor the phim ‘ching ngern’. It is silverish in look, a combination of metals and old Phra Mahesuan amulets that was discovered in the Chedi. Therefore it has a good combination of both new and old Phra Mahesuan. A great combination of the authenticity and originality of Phra Mahesuan and the power of such grand puthahisek.
You don’t only receive the blessings of Phra Mahesuan but also the transference of merits, blessings and energy of the 999 Ven. LP(s) or Teachers.












世界上最好的法寶皆無法改變個人的命運,但可以佩戴佛牌 聖物來改變個人的運程唯有努力行善積德才能創造奇蹟


Nuea Chin Mahe Suan Amulet (has authentic code)
Temple:Wat Mahatat
Phra Mahesuan is one of top 5 popular amulets in Thailand that has superb power in protection from dangers, weapons, accidents and bad things. Phra Mahesuan also makes the owner invulnerable, charming and get mercy and compromise from people.
Phra Suan also know as Phra Mahesuan from Wat Mahathat Chedi Suphanburi, Nur Chin.
This used to be called Phra Suan or the inverted Buddha, but has been nicknamed Phra Mahesuan after a famous criminal named Mahesuan who wore this amulet, was high on the police wanted list back in the day, and is still living today. As with Suphanburi U-thong era amulets, it is believed to impart on the wearer khunkrapan, klaewkhard.

LP Mian Wat Natangnok

LP Mian Wat Natangnok Phra Kring BE 2558 .3,000pcs only.

Phara Mahalup Arjan Ithai

Arjan uthai phra mahalup BE2557

 wat Withansun pattalung

 Gods for business ,increase luck ,and protection

Phaya Jorakhae Maha Setthi

The best powerful amulet of wealth & luck

100% Authentic from temple

Name: Phaya Jorakhae Maha Setthi kamakan set (crocodile amulet)
From: LP Mian Wat Na Tangnok
Year: B.E.2558
Material: this powerful amulet created from brass& Temple Bell Brass Alloy
Size: 10 CM

Ceremony: LP Mian created Phaya Jorakhae Maha Setthi or crocodile amulet followed ancient method and properly blessed with top monks around Thailand.
Powerful: Phaya Jorakhae Maha Setthi amulet of LP Mian is very well known in Thailand because this powerful amulet can bring wealth, luck, property, good business and fortune to worshiper.
Presented: the crocodile amulet hold the lotus in it mouth to increase power.
The way to worship Phaya Jorakhae Maha Setthi (crocodile amulet):
You can place Phaya Jorakhae Maha Setthi amulet in your home, car and office to invite good thing to you. Moreover, you should offer the fresh water to crocodile amulet.

Takrut Yant Tri

Power of Yant Tri Nisinghei

 - In ancient Thailand, Guru Monks drew / engraved Yant Tri Nisinghei on Takruts, and they believed that the owners of that takruts with Yant Tri Nisinghei could ask for anything they want, and those takruts would grant what they were wishing for.
- The war prisoners would put takruts with Yant Tri Nisinghei in their mouths and prayed 108 times of Yant Tri Nisinghei katha , they could untie themselves from robe, chains and locks, and they could from the prisoners camp without any notice from the guards.
- The defendants who had committed serious crimes, and they will be sentenced to death. They would be later have mercy from the judge and the jury to spare their lives if those prisoners put takruts or Yantra Banners with Yant Tri Nisinghei drawing, and prayed 108 times of Yant Tri Nisinghei katha before the judgment.
- To be invisible to anyone, people would put Tekrut with Yant Tri Nisinghei in their mouths and pray 108 times of Khata.
- To be safe from poisonous/ dangerous animal is to put takrut with Yant Tri Nisinghei in their mouths, and pray 108 times of katha

LP Boon Tham Wat Samakiyalam ,suphanburi had quoted that this Takrut Tri Ni Sing Hēi is not easy to create .i.e. defend from sickness and epidemic, protect from harmfulness of the black magic, spirits and demon, the junction of three roads, reverse bad to become good, use for making holy water for pregnant mother to help easy to deliver a child. It depends on each person to make a wish.
This Takrut Tri Ni Sing Hēi creating amount is very limited.Size of this takrut is approximately 2.5 inches long. There are 3 temple codes,one on center and two side of the end of takrut .

Katha takrut yant tri nik sing Hei :
Namo tassa x 3 time
Bhu san mit -
sak tak wik pik pak sak wu -
ah pa ma ju pak -
nak mak pak tak-
Chap pang Lang si ya-
Tik mak Sang ang kud -
Ni pa nang - ak sum wik su low Pu sak bu pak - nak mo bhu tha yak-
Pak tik lu pang -
Ak ah yit yi wuk wu ai O -
Yak tha bhu mo nak .


润:圣水财龟Luang Phalang



 帕西瓦力骑羊圣物简介 创制者:古巴般迪达,清迈府帕塔兹山寺(วัดพระธาตุดอยยวนคำ),缅甸邦彭地区。 缘起与创建 帕西瓦力骑羊佛像(พระสิวลีขี่แพะ)起源于掸族(ไทใหญ่)的民间信仰,因其象征富足与好运,最初专为从商贵族打造。这尊佛像结合了帕西瓦力...